

道德Point is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool to assist students, management and employees to work together to address fraud, abuse, and misconduct 在推荐十大正规网赌平台的校园里,同时培养一个积极的环境.

是的. By giving you choices, 道德Point helps ensure that anyone 可以 file a report 以他们最舒服或最方便的方式匿名.

  • We believe that our employees and students are our most important asset. 通过创建 open channels of communication, we 可以 promote a positive work environment and maximize 生产力.
  • An effective reporting system 可以 be our most useful tool in reducing losses due to 欺诈和滥用.

当然有. 事实上,我们 需要 你来报告. 你知道校园里发生了什么——有好有坏. 你可能 对可能引起关注的活动有初步的了解. 您的报告 可以 最小化 the potential negative impact on 雪的大学 and its students and employees. 同时, offering positive input may help identify issues that 可以 improve 雪的大学’s culture 和性能.

We all have the right to work and learn in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and letting the appropriate 人们知道某人是否行为不当. 通过共同努力,我们可以保持 健康和富有成效的环境. 不当行为会威胁到国家的生计 整个大学.

道德Point is a communications tool providing an avenue for sharing information of 任何.

You certainly 可以, but there are several good reasons why you should use 道德Point 也. First, 道德Point ensures that your report gets to the appropriate people. That may or may not happen if you simply report something to management, especially 在处理他/她无法控制的问题时. 更重要的是,报告可以 be filed anonymously and all report information is secure and held in the strictest 信心.

道德Point 不生成或维护 any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your PC 到ethicpoint可用. 

With fewer than 12% of reports generated during business hours, most people prefer to report from the comfort of their home after hours and on the weekend.

A report from home, a neighbor’s computer, or any Internet portal will remain secure 和匿名.  互联网门户从不通过屏幕名和用户名来标识访问者 道德Point system strips away Internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained. Plus, 道德Point is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity. 

ethicpoint系统旨在保护您的匿名性. 然而,你作为一个报告 party 需要 to ensure that the body of the report does not reveal your identity by accident, for example, “From my cube next to Jan Smith…” or “In my 33 years…”

The 道德Point system concentrates on being a positive aspect of our overall philosophy, 使我们能够确保一个安全、可靠、有道德的工作场所. 你受到了鼓励 to seek guidance on ethical dilemmas, provide positive suggestions, or communicate 一个问题. 有效的沟通在今天的工作场所是至关重要的,这是一个 这是加强沟通的好工具.

We have carefully chosen the best reporting tool to meet our compliance obligations 同时保持一个积极的报告环境.

推荐十大正规网赌平台选择提倡道德行为.  任何程度的不道德行为, ultimately hurts the college and all students and employees, including you. 你只 have to consider what happened in recent corporate s可以dals to see disastrous effects that a seemingly harmless lapse in ethics 可以 have on an otherwise healthy company, 或者在我们的例子中,大学. 所以如果你知道任何不当行为或道德问题 violations, consider it your duty to yourself and your coworkers/fellow students to 报告.

提交报告. ethicpoint可以帮助您准备和归档您的报告,所以它可以 正确理解. 我们更希望你报告的情况是无害的 than let possible unethical behavior go unchecked because you weren't sure.

Reports are entered directly on the 道德Point secure server to prevent any possible 安全漏洞. 道德Point makes these reports available only to specific individuals within the College who are charged with evaluating the type of violation and location 事件的经过. 这些报告的接收人都接受过保存这些报告的培训 以最大的信心报告.

The 道德Point system and report distribution are designed so that implicated parties 未被通知或未被授予访问已在其中命名的报告的权限.

When you file a report at the 道德Point 网站 or through the 道德Point Call Center, you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. 你可以 return to the 道德Point system again either by Internet or telephone and access the original report to answer questions posed by a college representative and add 有助于解决未决问题的进一步信息.  我们强烈建议 您在指定的时间内返回网站回答任何问题. 你和他 college now have entered into an “anonymous dialogue” where situations are not only 确定但可以解决,无论多么复杂.

All 道德Point correspondences are held in the same strict 信心 as the initial 报告,在匿名的掩护下继续.

There is a section in the report for identifying yourself, if you wish.

你可以 file an 道德Point report from any computer that 可以 access the Internet. 你可以在家归档. 许多公共场所,包括公共图书馆,都有 互联网的电脑. 如果你没有电脑或不习惯使用电脑, you 可以 call your 道德Point toll-free hotline at 888-399-0376 which is available 一天24小时,一年365天.

是的. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an Internet-based report and an interviewer will type your responses into the 道德Point 网站. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied 在交货时发给他们.